Welcome to the
Township of Baldwin
Here is what's new...
From Soup to Tomatoes
NOW OFFERED 3 TIMES A WEEK!!!!! IT’S FUN, FREE & GOOD FOR YOU Thank you so much to Lynn Levert & Claire Dubreuilfor starting up this program again. We really appreciate these “Community Ambassadors”. The classes are led (streamed) by a souper amazing instructor, Renée Desjardins, RN, BA, Certified Personal
Provincial Fire Ban – Update
The Ontario Fire Ban will be officially lifted effective Saturday May 16th 12:01 am. Municipal rules still apply (Example: Small campfires only, fire must be attended until after dark, no large brush fires, etc.). Please contact our Fire Chief, Bob Clement at 705-862-1017, to get more information on the specific
Community Gardens – 2020
Great News Effective immediately, the Ontario government is allowing the use of allotment and community gardens across Ontario, provided that people practice physical distancing and do not gather in groups of more than five. Those taking part in community and public allotment gardens are required to follow the advice of
WARNING – Bear spotted in several locations in McKerrow
WARNING – Bear spotted in several locations in McKerrow Put your garbage out on Wednesday morning – do not leave it out overnight. Thank you. Bears don’t practice physical distancing, so stay vigilant Spring is here and while many people are practicing physical distancing to help flatten the COVID-19 curve
Neighbourhood Watch Window Identification Program
The Township of Baldwin has implemented a Neighbourhood Watch Window Identification Program This program will assist neighbours in watching out for each other. Residents are asked to place the coloured sheet of paper that describes their situation in a window that is easily visible from the street. Neighbours are asked
MNR HAS INDICATED THAT DUE TO THE CURRENT SITUATION THEY ARE IMPOSING A “RESTRICTED FIRE ZONE” IMMEDIATELY. MEANING – NO BURNING OF ANY SORT (ie. no barrel, campfire etc.) It is a dangerous time for all, including your firefighters. So, stay home as much as possible. stay safe. Bob Clement