Submit a Building Permit Application Online

A Building Permit is your formal permission to begin the construction, demolition, addition or renovation on your property. As part of the Building Permit process, the Building Department must review your plans to ensure they comply with the Ontario Building Code, local Zoning By-laws and other Applicable Law.

Fill out the required fields below and attach any required documents using the File Upload buttons.

For your convenience, you can download the Building Permit Application form, Letter of Authorization and Site Plan Example with the buttons below.  (Bottom of the page)

For more information on how to apply online, Click here to see step-by-step instructions.  There is also a “How-To” video at the bottom of the page which shows which areas to complete on the application form. (This video may not apply to your specific project.  Adjust accordingly)

Below is a video which shows how to complete an Application Form.

**May not work on all web browsers, for best results, use Google Chrome**

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