May 25, 2019
You will be allowed to take in one (1) load that day for free. The Township is paying for this. If you take more than one (1) load, Dodge will give you a 25% discount off the regular price.
You must have your landfill card and proof of identity, ie. driver’s licence. The hours of operation are from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
White items are allowed at no cost but fridges, air conditioners and freezers will not be accepted unless a technician licenced by the Ministry of the Environment tags them stating that all freon has been removed.
Items not accepted in this one free load are furniture such as couches, chairs, mattresses, tables, tires and construction demolition waste.
Cash or debit will be accepted.
Acceptable size of load is: half ton – approximately two (2) metres.